Tuesday, June 10, 2008

2008 College World Series Bracket

This year's field of eight includes:
1. Miami, FL
2. North Carolina
3. Florida State
4. Rice
5. Georgia
6. LSU
7. Stanford
8. Fresno State


Monday, June 02, 2008

UI would get 2.8% increase in funding

SPRINGFIELD – The state budget sent to Gov. Rod Blagojevich would give the University of Illinois $19.9 million more in operating funds next year, or a 2.8 percent increase.

That would help the university plug a $17 million gap in the $4.1 billion preliminary 2008-09 budget approved by UI trustees in late May. That budget, based on no additional state funding, showed $51 million in new income next year – mostly from tuition – but about $68 million in new costs.

"This is a little larger increase than last year. This certainly will be helpful to the university, there's no question about that," said Rick Schoell, UI executive director of governmental relations, trying to sort out budget details Saturday night.

UI would get 2.8% increase in funding