Saturday, March 24, 2007

Champaign County YMCA Youth Basketball: Celtics 14, Spurs 10

It was a mighty defensive struggle, but the shorthanded Celtics escaped with a gutty 14-10 victory from the tough Spurs this morning in Champaign County YMCA Kindergarten hoops.

Jack was easily the most valuable player for the Celtics as he led the team in both points (8) and rebounds (he had so many I lost track of them!). Although Jack needs to share the ball a little bit more, we really needed his offensive production today: The Spurs were scrappy hustlers who matched the Celtics' defensive intensity and easy looks at the basket were few for both teams. Jack had the hot hand just at the right time.

Michael played another solid game this morning. He had another left-baseline jumper - this seems to be his favorite spot on the floor right now - in the first quarter for two points, but he did many other things to contribute to this Celtics victory. He was all over the floor chasing loose balls and he ended up with three steals, three rebounds and an assist. Michael also continues to handle the ball extremely well: He and Joe are arguably the best ball-handlers on the team.

Isaiah joined us for this game and he contributed two big points and a couple rebounds. He is a good player and it was great having him on the team this morning.

George had the other Celtics basket. George continues to play good defense and snag rebounds for the team.

Sam had a good look at the basket after a rebound, but the ball caromed off the rim. Sam is getting more active with each game and he seems to be having fun.

Tobin also took a shot, only to come up a little short. Tobin is hustling as well and we need his low-post presence on defense.

Four of the nine Celtics on the roster - Nathan, Luke, Joe and Thomas - were all on spring break vacations with their families and missed this morning's game. We missed all of them a lot today and we were fortunate to have Isiah on our side as a substitute.

The Celtics remain undefeated in Y-league play with a 5-0 record and just two games remaining on the schedule. Next up: a game with the Lakers (and Michael's and Joe's buddy Tanner!) on March 31 at 9 AM at the Champaign County YMCA. This should be another barn-burner of a game!


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