Monday, January 28, 2008

Y-Basketball: Bulls 18, Suns 4 (3 quarters)

Michael got the 2008 Winter YMCA Youth Basketball season started with another baseline jumper - only this shot came from the right side of the basket and not his favorite left side.

His shot came just seconds into this contest: It was, undoubtedly, the first basket of the Winter Y-league season. And it was one of two baskets Michael converted in the first quarter, as the Bulls coasted to an easy 18-4 victory in a shortened, three-quarter game at the Champaign County YMCA on Saturday, January 19.

Michael not only scored, but he hustled. He rebounded, he dove on the floor for loose balls, and he played in-your-face defense for the one quarter he played in this contest. I only wish he could have played another quarter: He was scheduled to play in the fourth period, but the game was called due to time constraints.

Joe led the Bulls with 6 points, George had 4 points, and Nathan and Tobin each added a basket for 2 points for the good guys.

The Bulls start the winter league at 1-0. Next up is a game against the Spurs at 9 AM on Saturday, January 26 at the Champaign County YMCA.

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