Monday, May 24, 2010

Nice review of last night's "Lost" finale

First, let me tell you that I never watched even one minute of Lost in its six seasons on ABC-TVNot ONE minute.  I'm just one of those guys who watches live sports or reruns of live sports or DVDs of live sports or ESPN or ESPN2 or ESPNU (see a trend here?).  Oh, and I do thoroughly enjoy Seinfeld, The Office, and The King of Queens reruns too.  (See?  I'm a well-rounded television viewer!  I do enjoy many good movies too.)

But after watching one of my favorite Bond flicks, Casino Royale, on the Syfy Channel last night, and subsequently flipping through the channels looking for something else to indulge myself in, I DID watch the last half-hour of the series finale of Lost.  WOW!  That was powerful!  I sobbed through about 27 of those 30 minutes - and I didn't even know who Dr. Jack Shephard or his father were!  I think I missed out on something kinda cool during these past six years.

Anyway, click on the link below and read (Conservative Republican talk-show radio personality) Mark Davis' review of the Lost finale; I think you Lost fans might enjoy it.

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