Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"I can see clearly now, the PAIN is gone!"

For those who know me well, they know that I wear contact lenses (I'm nearsighted and I've had gas permeable contact lenses since I was 15 years old). And they also know that my lenses have been bothering me for quite a while - my eyes are often red and irritated.

Well, I went in to see my optometrist on Monday, hoping for some relief, and I came out of his office with all new soft contact lenses! I was more than a little apprehensive when he suggested that I try soft lenses, but WOW - I'm now very glad I did!

Here's what I previously didn't know: Between 25 and 27 million Americans wear contact lenses. The majority use these devices to correct vision as an alternative to glasses. Approximately 85% use soft lenses because of the superior comfort provided. 85%!!! I had no idea I was in the minority with my uncomfortable, dirty, rigid gas permeable lenses.

Hard lenses are difficult enough to clean, install, wear and remove - I wasn't sure how I would do with larger, much flimsier soft lenses. These lenses almost feel like Saran Wrap! But after a couple days of practicing with them, I'm getting them in and out much easier and I LOVE wearing them!!! I don't feel a thing in either eye - what a contrast that is to my hard contacts - and I can see so much better with them in!

I used to really feel those hard lenses... They would also slip up and down on my eye nearly every time I would blink. These new soft lenses feel like they're integral to each of my eyes. They're absolutely awesome and I highly recommend them to anyone with troublesome hard lenses!!!

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